
  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Fizik Tingkatan 4″ collapse_text=”Fizik Tingkatan 4″ ]
    1. Pengenalan Kepada Fizik
    2. Daya dan Gerakan
    3. Daya dan Tekanan
    4. Haba
    5. Cahaya


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Fizik Tingkatan 5″ collapse_text=”Fizik Tingkatan 5″ ]
    1. Gelombang
    2. Keelektrikan
    3. Keelektromagnetan
    4. Electronik
    5. Keradioaktifan


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 4 Physics” collapse_text=”Form 4 Physics” ]
    1. Introduction to Physics
    2. Force and Motion
    3. Force and Pressure
    4. Heat
    5. Light


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 5 Physics” collapse_text=”Form 5 Physics” ]
    1. Waves
    2. Electricity
    3. Electromagnetism
    4. Electronics
    5. Radioactivity



  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Kimia Tingkatan 4″ collapse_text=”Kimia Tingkatan 4″ ]
    1. Pengenalan Kepada Kimia
    2. Struktur Atom
    3. Formula dan Persamaan Kimia
    4. Jadual Berkala
    5. Ikatan Kimia
    6. Elektrokimia
    7. Asid dan Bes
    8. Garam
    9. Bahan Buatan Dalam Industri


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Kimia Tingkatan 5″ collapse_text=”Kimia Tingkatan 5″ ]
    1. Kadar Tindak Balas
    2. Sebatian Karbon
    3. Pengoksidaan dan Penurunan
    4. Termokimia
    5. Bahan Kimia untuk Pengguna


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 4 Chemistry” collapse_text=”Form 4 Chemistry” ]
    1. Introduction to Chemistry
    2. The Structure of Atom
    3. Chemical Formulae and Equations
    4. Periodic Table of Elements
    5. Chemical Bonds
    6. Electrochemistry
    7. Acids and Bases
    8. Salts
    9. Manufactured Substance in Industry


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 5 Chemistry” collapse_text=”Form 5 Chemistry” ]
    1. Rate of Reaction
    2. Carbon Compounds
    3. Oxidation and Reduction
    4. Thermochemistry
    5. Chemicals for Consumer



  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Biologi Tingkatan 4″ collapse_text=”Biologi Tingkatan 4″ ]
    1. Pengenalan Kepada Biologi
    2. Struktur Sel dan Organisasi Sel
    3. Pergerakan Bahan-bahan Merentasi Membran
    4. Komposisi Kimia di Dalam Sel
    5. Pembahagian Sel
    6. Nutrisi
    7. Respirasi
    8. Ekosistem Dinamik
    9. Ekosistem Terancam


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Biologi Tingkatan 5″ collapse_text=”Biologi Tingkatan 5″ ]
    1. Pengangkutan
    2. Pergerakan dan Sokongan
    3. Koordinasi dan Gerak Balas
    4. Pembiakan dan Pertumbuhan
    5. Pewarisan
    6. Variasi


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 4 Biology” collapse_text=”Form 4 Biology” ]
    1. Introduction to Biology
    2. Cell Structure
    3. Movement across Plasma Membrane
    4. Chemical Composition of Cell Chemical
    5. Meiosis and Mitosis
    6. Nutrition
    7. Respiration
    8. Dynamic Ecosystem
    9. Endangered Ecosystem


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 5 Biology” collapse_text=”Form 5 Biology” ]
    1. Transport
    2. Support and Locomotion
    3. Coordination and Response
    4. Reproduction and Growth
    5. Inheritance
    6. Variation



  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Sains Tingkatan 1″ collapse_text=”Sains Tingkatan 1″ ]
    1. Pengenalan Kepada Sains
    2. Sel Sebagai Unit Kehidupan
    3. Jirim
    4. Kepelbagaian Sumber Bumi
    5. Udara Di Sekeliling Kita
    6. Sumber-sumber Tenaga
    7. Haba


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Sains Tingkatan 2″ collapse_text=”Sains Tingkatan 2″ ]
    1. Dunia Melalui Deria Kita
    2. Nutrisi
    3. Kepelbagaian Biologi
    4. Saling Bergantung Antara Hidupan dan Persekitaran
    5. Air dan Larutan
    6. Tekanan Udara
    7. Dinamik
    8. Sokongan dan Pergerakan
    9. Kestabilan
    10. Mesin Ringkas


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Sains Tingkatan 3″ collapse_text=”Sains Tingkatan 3″ ]
    1. Respirasi
    2. Peredaran Darah dan Pengangkutan
    3. Perkumuhan
    4. Pembiakan
    5. Pertumbuhan
    6. Tanah dan Sumbernya
    7. Elektrik dan Magnet
    8. Penjanaan Elektrik
    9. Bintang dan Galaksi
    10. Penerokaan Angkasa Lepas


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Sains Tingkatan 4″ collapse_text=”Sains Tingkatan 4″ ]
    1. Penyiasatan Saintifik
    2. Koordinasi Badan
    3. Keturunan dan Variasi
    4. Jirim dan Bahan
    5. Tenaga dan Perubahan Kimia
    6. Tenaga Nuklear
    7. Cahaya, Warna dan Penglihatan
    8. Bahan Kimia Dalam Perindustrian


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Sains Tingkatan 5″ collapse_text=”Sains Tingkatan 5″ ]
    1. Mikroorganisma dan Kesannya Terhadap Kehidupan
    2. Nutrisi
    3. Pemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar
    4. Sebatian Karbon
    5. Gerakan
    6. Teknologi Makanan dan Pengeluaran
    7. Bahan Sintetik Dalam Industri
    8. Elektronik dan Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 1 Science” collapse_text=”Form 1 Science” ]
    1. Introduction to Science
    2. Cell as a Unit of Life
    3. Matter
    4. The Variety of Resources on Earth
    5. The Air Around Us
    6. Sources of Energy
    7. Heat


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 2 Science” collapse_text=”Form 2 Science” ]
    1. The World Through Our Senses
    2. Nutrition
    3. Biodiversity
    4. Interdependence among Living Organisms and the Environment
    5. Water and Solution
    6. Air Pressure
    7. Dynamics
    8. Support and Movement
    9. Stability
    10. Simple Machine


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 3 Science” collapse_text=”Form 3 Science” ]
    1. Respiration
    2. Blood Circulation and Transport
    3. Excretion
    4. Reproduction
    5. Growth
    6. Land and Its Resources
    7. Electricity
    8. Generation of Electricity
    9. Stars and Galaxies
    10. Space Exploration


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 4 Science” collapse_text=”Form 4 Science” ]
    1. Scientific Investigation
    2. Body Coordination
    3. Heredity and Variation
    4. Matter and Substance
    5. Energy and Chemical Changes
    6. Nuclear Energy
    7. Light, Colour and Sight
    8. Chemical in Industry


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 5 Science” collapse_text=”Form 5 Science” ]
    1. Microorganisms and Their Effects on Living Things
    2. Nutrition
    3. Preservation and Conservation of the Environment
    4. Carbon Compounds
    5. Motion
    6. Food Technology and Production
    7. Synthetic Material in Industry
    8. Electronics and Information & Communication Technology, ICT



  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 1″ collapse_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 1″ ]
    1. Nombor Bulat
    2. Corak/Pola Nombor dan Urutannya
    3. Pecahan
    4. Nombor Perpuluhan
    5. Peratusan
    6. Integer
    7. Ungkapan Algebra I
    8. Pengukuran Asas
    9. Garis dan Sudut I
    10. Poligon I
    11. Perimeter dan Luas Kawasan
    12. Geometri Pepejal I


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 2″ collapse_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 2″ ]
    1. Nombor Berarah
    2. Kuasa Dua, Punca Kuasa Dua, Kuasa Tiga dan Punca Kuasa Tiga
    3. Ungkapan Algebra II
    4. Persamaan Linear I
    5. Nisbah, Kadar dan Perkadaran I
    6. Teorem Phythagoras
    7. Pembinaan Geometri
    8. Koordinat
    9. Lokus Dalam Dua Dimensi
    10. Bulatan I
    11. Penjelmaan I
    12. Geometri Pepejal II
    13. Statistik I


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 3″ collapse_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 3″ ]
    1. Garis dan Sudut II
    2. Poligon II
    3. Bulatan II
    4. Statistik II
    5. Indeks
    6. Ungkapan Algebra III
    7. Rumus Algebra
    8. Geometri Pepejal III
    9. Lukisan Berskala
    10. Penjelmaan II
    11. Persamaan Linear II
    12. Ketaksamaan Linear
    13. Graf Fungsi
    14. Nisbah, Kadar dan Perkadaran II
    15. Trigonometri


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 4″ collapse_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 4″ ]
    1. Bentuk Piawai
    2. Ungkapan dan Persamaan Kuadratik
    3. Set
    4. Penaakulan Matematik
    5. Garis Lurus
    6. Statistik
    7. Kebarangkalian I
    8. Bulatan III
    9. Trigonometri II
    10. Sudut Dongakan dan Sudut Tunduk
    11. Garis dan Satah Dalam Tiga Dimensi


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 5″ collapse_text=”Matematik Tingkatan 5″ ]
    1. Asas Nombor
    2. Penjelmaan
    3. Matriks
    4. Ubahan
    5. Kecerunan dan Luas di bawah Graf
    6. Kebarangkalian II
    7. Bearing
    8. Bumi Sebagai Sfera
    9. Pelan dan Dongakan


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 1 Mathematics” collapse_text=”Form 1 Mathematics” ]
    1. Whole Numbers
    2. Number Patterns and Sequences
    3. Fractions
    4. Decimals
    5. Percentages
    6. Integer
    7. Algebraic Expressions I
    8. Basic Measurements
    9. Lines and Angles I
    10. Polygons I
    11. Perimeter and Area
    12. Solid Geometry I


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 2 Mathematics” collapse_text=”Form 2 Mathematics” ]
    1. Directed Number
    2. Squares, Square Roots, Cube and Cube Roots
    3. Algebraic Expression II
    4. Linear Equations I
    5. Ratio, Rates and Proportions I
    6. Phythagoras’s Theorem
    7. Geometrical Constructions
    8. Coordinates
    9. Loci in 2-Dimensions
    10. Circles I
    11. Transformation I
    12. Solid Geometry II
    13. Statistics I


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 3 Mathematics” collapse_text=”Form 3 Mathematics” ]
    1. Lines and Angles II
    2. Polygon II
    3. Circles II
    4. Statistics II
    5. Indices
    6. Algebraic Expressions III
    7. Algebraic Formulae
    8. Solid Geometry III
    9. Scales Drawing
    10. Transformations II
    11. Linear Equations II
    12. Linear Inequalities
    13. Graphs of Functions
    14. Ratios, Rates and Proportions II
    15. Trigonometry


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 4 Mathematics” collapse_text=”Form 4 Mathematics” ]
    1. Standard Form
    2. Quadratic Expressions and Equations
    3. Sets
    4. Mathematical Reasoning
    5. The Straight Line
    6. Statistics
    7. Probability I
    8. Circles III
    9. Trigonometry II
    10. Angles of Elevation and Depression
    11. Lines and Planes in 3-Dimensions


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 5 Mathematics” collapse_text=”Form 5 Mathematics” ]
    1. Number Bases
    2. Graphs of Functions II
    3. Transformation III
    4. Matrix
    5. Variations
    6. Gradient and Area Under a Graph
    7. Probability II
    8. Bearing
    9. Earth as a Sphere
    10. Plans and Elevations


Matematik Tambahan

  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Matematik Tambahan Tingkatan 4″ collapse_text=”Matematik Tambahan Tingkatan 4″ ]
    1. Fungsi
    2. Persamaan Kuadratik
    3. Fungsi Kuadratik
    4. Persamaan Serentak
    5. Indeks dan Logaritma
    6. Geometri Koordinat
    7. Statistik
    8. Sukatan Membulat
    9. Pembezaan
    10. Penyelesaian Segitiga
    11. Nombor Indeks


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Matematik Tambahan Tingkatan 5″ collapse_text=”Matematik Tambahan Tingkatan 5″ ]
    1. Janjang
    2. Hukum Linear
    3. Pengamiran
    4. Vektor
    5. Fungsi Trigonometri
    6. Pilir Atur dan Gabungan
    7. Kebarangkalian Mudah
    8. Taburan Kebarangkalian
    9. Gerakan Pada Garis Lurus
    10. Pengaturcaraan Linear


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 4 Add Maths” collapse_text=”Form 4 Add Maths” ]
    1. Functions
    2. Quadratic Equations
    3. Quadratic Functions
    4. Simultaneous Equation
    5. Indices and Logarithms
    6. Coordinate Geometry
    7. Statistics
    8. Circular Measure
    9. Differentiation
    10. Solution of Triangles
    11. Index Number


  • [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#388eeb” expand_text=”Form 5 Add Maths” collapse_text=”Form 5 Add Maths” ]
    1. Progression
    2. Linear Law
    3. Integration
    4. Vectors
    5. Trigonometric Functions
    6. Permutations and Combinations
    7. Probability
    8. Probability Distributions
    9. Motion Along a Straight Line
    10. Linear Programming
